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Use the Flip Clue cards AFTER you have taught stories in the Times Book for Kids or your student will be clueless. As an alternative to the Times Book for Kids, stories are also found in Online Times Alive at A membership program which teaches all the 0s-9s with animated songs and stories. Times Tables the Fun Way is a proven and effective method to teach the multiplication facts resulting in high retention and high post-test scores.

The Times Tables the Fun Way program has been a boon to children with learning disabilities and traditional students since 1992. Kids learn the stories in the Times Book for Kids and then have a mental image of the number characters. Once they remember the story they will remember the outcome or punchline which is the answer to the fact. For instance to teach 6×6, the story tells of twin sixes who cross the desert and get low on water. They are so happy to come across a pond with water. There is a sign that says it is for “thirsty sixes” which is the answer 36 to 6×6 (twin sixes).

The Flip Clue Cards are an integral part of the Times Program. Clue cards have the story characters from the Times Book for Kids for the 3’s, 4’s, 6’s, 7’s, and 8’s. The 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 9’s are plain since these are taught with tricks instead of stories in the Times Tables the Fun Way program. The Flip Clue Cards help students associate the story with the number in the fact. Once this is practiced, they can remember the answers to the facts. Follow the lesson plan in the Times Tables the Fun Way Student Workbook or Online Times Alive or teach the stories in the Times Tables the Fun Way Book and find the corresponding fact. All the times tables facts are represented 1s-9s but no reversals for example, 6×8 is not duplicated as 8×6.

  • Answers are on the back of the page.
  • Includes 1’s – 9’s
  • Lesson numbers on bottom of page for easy use.
  • Requires the Times Book for Kids or Online Times Alive found at